Low Tuition Universities in Austria

Do you want to study abroad/overseas? Okay, let’s be more precise, do you want to study in Europe? But you are worried that you may not have the required funding to cater for your tuition fee, accommodation, and other related fees? If you are, then the solution is to attend a low tuition university in Europe and what better place to find such universities than Austria. Hence, in this guide, you’ll find a list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students.

The Republic of Austria, commonly known as Austria, is a country located in the southern part of Austria. The country is made of nine states, and its capital is Vienna, the largest state and city based on population. The Republic of Austria is a small country with vibrant nightlife, cuisine, and culture.

Despite being a small country in Europe, the country is beautiful, and it’s home to the “Trek the Krimmler Ache”, the most beautiful medieval castle in the world. There are a lot of things to do, places to visit in Austria and schooling in one of their higher institutions is one of them.

However, not everyone will be able to afford the tuition fees in the country that’s why I have painstakingly taken the time to research and provide you with a list of Low tuition universities in Austria for international students. Read on! To find out more.

Why study in Austria?

First of all, Austria is often considered to be the heart of Europe because no fewer than eight countries share borders with Austria. Countries like Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Slovakia all share borders with Austria (all Austria’s neighbours) and their proximity also contributes to the country’s (Austria) cultural diversity.

In terms of education, Austria has a reputation for being known to have good quality education and a long tradition of academic achievements. With a thriving country and a good employment ratio, graduates from universities in the country, career opportunities are boundless. In addition, to being ranked worldwide as a study location for good quality education, Austria is also known for its popular tourist attractions and modern city.

When placed side by side against many other European countries, Austria wins in terms of the study cost. International students studying in the country are expected to pay an average of €1,452 in public universities and an additional €20 for the student union membership fee. However, international students who wish to study in the country are advised to buy health insurance to enable them to stay in Austria throughout their course duration.

What are the requirements to study in Austria?

Undergraduate applicants who want to study in Austria will need a high school certificate equivalent to the country’s Austrian Matura Exam Certification. While graduate applicants need a Bachelor’s degree in a related field. In addition to those requirements, sufficient German knowledge is needed as well.

Some of the essential application documents you’ll need when submitting your application include:

  • A transcript of records with grades
  • Identity card or Passport
  • Completed Application forms
  • ID Photos

Can you study in English at an Austrian University?

Yes! You can. But your options are limited. For example, you can study in English at the FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences—one semester of undergraduate education is taught in English. In addition to that, some of the Master’s degree courses are taught in English as well. For example, graduate students at the University of Vienna can study Master’s degree programs that are fully taught in English.

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How does the admission process work in Austria?

Before applying, the first step to carry out as an applicant is to get your certificates legalized at the Austrian embassy in your home country. Once you have been able to achieve that, the next step is to submit an online application to your preferred university or institution, forwarding the legalized documents alongside the application.

Next, the admission unit of your chosen university will go through your application and will issue an offer letter to the applicant if the individual meets the minimum entry requirement for their chosen program.

Austria’s application times and deadlines

When applying to an Austrian University of your choice, it’s important that you make or submit your application on time, if you want to be considered. Austrian universities have two major admission sessions: Winter and Summer.

Winter semester: The winter semester starts on September first. Hence, make sure to submit your application before September first.

Summer Semester: The summer semester starts on February 1. Hence, make sure to submit your application before February first if you want to be among the summer intake.

List of low tuition universities in Austria for international students

Austria, despite being viewed or seen as an expensive tourist location or destination; the country offers affordable tuition fees for international students at their public universities.

In this section, I’ll be giving you a list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students.

1. University of Vienna (Universität Wien)


Low Tuition Universities in Austria

The University of Vienna is one of the oldest public research universities founded in 1365, located in Vienna, Austria. The university’s long and rich history has developed it into being one of the largest universities in Europe and also one of the most renowned especially in the field of Humanities. The institution of learning is associated with 21 Nobel prize winners and has been the home to many scholars of academic and historical importance.

The University of Vienna is made up of a wide range of faculties from the law, computer science, psychology, business and economics, historical-cultural studies, social science, etc. Most of the courses or programs taught in the university are done in English. The university is one of the cheapest universities for international students in Austria. The tuition fees for international students studying for their Bachelor’s degree is $1730 per year and Master’s degree is also $1730 per year. The cost of living ranges between $690 and $1306 per month and it largely depends on the spending habit of the individual.

In 2022, According to the Qs world university rankings, the University of Vienna is ranked #151 in the world. The University of Vienna is on the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students

2. University of Klagenfurt (Universität Klagenfurt or Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, AAU)

University of Klagenfurt

The University of Klagenfurt is not only a federal Austrian research university but also the largest research and higher education institution in the state of Carinthia. The University was originally founded in 1970 but it was relaunched in 1993; the university is made up of faculties in humanities & social sciences, technical sciences, management & economics, and interdisciplinary studies.

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The University of Klagenfurt is located 60km from the Italian and 30km from the Slovenian border and the institution supports multi and bilingualism most especially because of the Slovenian minority in the city of Carinthia. The university is among the three southernmost universities in the German-speaking world together with the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy and the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.

The university is listed in THE, ARWU, and QS global ranking and in 2021, the university was ranked #48 worldwide in THE’s Young University Rankings. The University of Klagenfurt is among the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students.

3. University of Salzburg (Universität Salzburg)

The University of Salzburg, also commonly known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is another Austrian public university located in Salzburg. The university was named after its founder, Prince-Archbishop Paris Lodron. The institution of learning was founded in 1622, and closed in 1810, only to be re-established in 1962. The university is the largest in Salzburg state, and currently has about 2,800 employees and 18,000 students.

The University of Salzburg offers a wide spectrum of programs for undergraduate, doctoral studies, master’s degree, and diploma courses. It has four main facilities: Catholic Theology, Cultural and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Law. International students studying in the school are expected to pay $1677 per year for either Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. In addition to that, the cost of living in Salzburg is around $693 to $1278 monthly. However, the amount you spend largely depends on your sending habits.

The University of Salzburg is among the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students.

4. University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)

University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)

The University of Graz is one of the oldest and largest universities in Styria, located in Graz, Austria. The university doubles as the second-oldest and second-largest university in Austria.  The University of Graz is a public research institution that was founded in 1585 (437 years ago).

The University of Graz is made up of six faculties namely: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business, Economic and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences. The university has approximately 120 study programs; the university is home to about 31,500 students and about 12% of that number are international students.

In 2003, the university was named “European Capital of Culture” and in 2009, it was named the “City of Design.” International students studying at this university are expected to $1677 per year for either Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs. The cost of living in Graz ranges from $605 to $1103 but it largely depends on your lifestyle and spending habits.

The University of Graz is among the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students.

5. University of Innsbruck (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck)

University of Innsbruck

The University of Innsbruck was founded on the 15th of October, 1669 in Innsbruck, the capital of the Tyrol (an Austrian federal state). The university is currently the largest education institution in Tyrol and the third largest in Austria; the others are the University of Graz and the University of Vienna.

  • Initially, the University of Innsbruck was made up of six faculties but that was changed in 2004. Today, the institution has 16 faculties namely: Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology
  • Faculty of Economics and Statistics
  • Faculty of Technical Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities (Philosophy and History)
  • Faculty of Humanities (Language and Literature)
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Computer Science and Physics
  • School of Political Sciences and Sociology
  • School of Education
  • School of Management
  • Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Biology
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The university has positive and important contributions in different branches but more importantly in the physics department. In terms of Science listed publications, the university is ranked third in the world based on mountain research.

The cost of tuition for international students studying undergraduate or postgraduate programs at the university is $1677 per academic year. The living expenses fall around $705 to $1367—the amount you’ll spend monthly largely depends on your spending habits.

6. Johannes Kepler University Linz (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)

ohannes Kepler University Linz (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)

The Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) is a public institution or university located in Linz (the capital of Upper Austria in Austria). The institution of learning offers doctoral, diploma, master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Business, law, social sciences, medicine, engineering, and science.

JKU was the first university in Australia to introduce an electronic student ID in 1998. Today, the university has over 23,000 students studying within its walls of which one out of nine students are international students (or from abroad). The university is home to the Johann RICAM (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The Johannes Kepler University of Linz is made up of four faculties and 127 institutes. The four faculties are the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences.

The university is among the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students. International students in the university pay a fee of €363.36 ($383.43) per semester.

7. Vienna University of Technology (TechnischeUniversität Wien)

Vienna University of Technology (TechnischeUniversität Wien)

Vienna University of Technology, also known as TU Wien or TUW is one of the major universities located in Vienna, Austria. The university is renowned both international and domestically in teaching and research. TU Wien currently has about 28,100 students, 5,000 staff of which 3,800 are academics and 8 faculties.

TU Wien which was founded in 1815, offers 3 doctoral programs, 31 master’s programs, 19 bachelor’s programs and various continuing education programs. However, the bachelor’s programs in the university are taught in the German language; hence, in order to get admitted into any bachelor’s program, you must prove that you have sufficient knowledge of German. The master’s programs on the other hand are offered in English for international students.

TU Wien is among the list of low tuition universities in Austria for international students. International students (undergraduates) in the university will be required to pay a tuition fee of €1,453.44 per academic year.

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